Breathing Assistance
Breathing aid is necessary for patients with spinal muscular atrophy, as they have difficulty breathing due to the impairment of the lungs. Suction machines are used in some breathing assistance programs to help with breathing. The suction device aims to clear out the respiratory tract, sucking up the excess mucus in the trachea. This could be the reason for the blockage of airways. The patient is given a tiny plastic tube that goes down their throat. This clears out the airways and allows them to breathe unhindered. SMA patients can try breathing exercises to relax the muscles involved in respiration. These breathing exercises can also make coughing easier for the patient. This helps to relieve breathing difficulties. The patient may need to use a breathing machine, such as a mask or tube, in severe SMA cases. SMA patients need to get injections that prevent respiratory infections such as pneumonia and flu.