Spinal Muscular Atrophia Treatment

There is currently no cure for spinal muscular atrophy. However, researchers are working hard to find one. The treatments that are available today can help to maintain the symptoms of spinal muscular atrophy. The main goal of the spinal muscular atrophy treatment is to improve the patients’ quality of life and prevent symptoms of disability. The managing treatments are necessary for patients who depend on caregivers, or children relying on their parents in order to get up.Support and treatment plans are available to manage the symptoms associated with spinal muscular atrophy. These plans are designed to improve the quality of life and mobility for those with disabilities. Here are some well-known and widely used treatment options to manage and cure spinal muscular atrophy.Feeding AssistanceFeeding is important, especially for children, as one of the symptoms of spinal muscle atrophy is difficulty eating or swallowing. Children and adults who have difficulty swallowing are advised to follow a special feeding plan by their healthcare providers. Children with SMA need the right nutrition because they’re still growing and developing to reach specific physical milestones. Customized feeding plans will ensure proper growth and development in SMA children and adults. Dietitians create a nutrition plan that is tailored to each patient’s nutritional needs. A feeding tube may also be recommended for patients with severe swallowing problems. Parenteral nutrition is the term used to describe feeding with tubes. Nasogastric feeding involves insertion of a tube from the nasal cavity into the stomach. The other type of feeding is gastrostomy, which involves a tube going directly into the stomach.