9. Fresh Garlic
Garlic isn’t just for Italian cuisine. This herb has many medicinal properties that can benefit your overall health. Allicin, one of the main ingredients in garlic is an antibacterial agent. You can use garlic in your diet or to make a paste to relieve gonorrhea symptoms. Garlic, which is anti-bacterial, can be combined with other herbs for a more effective treatment.
Use fresh garlic as soon as possible after gonorrhea is diagnosed. Crush the garlic cloves, and add them to your favorite dishes. This will help to increase the amount of garlic in your system. Add it to a spinach-based green salad for a boost in vitamin C and antibacterial properties. Crush and mince the garlic cloves, and then add olive oil to create a paste. This paste can be applied topically to visible sores that are caused by gonorrhea.