7.Use baking soda to clean your teeth.
Because baking soda is antibacterial, it can prevent tooth caries. Using baking soda to clean your teeth will prevent the pestilence from infecting your teeth. Toothpaste purchased from the store does not perform as advertised. Your teeth will become brighter and fresher. You will also have a clean mouth.
To maintain a spotless mouth throughout the day, you must frequently brush your teeth. Even gum is not a good idea because the sugar will get into your teeth and cause tooth decay, especially if you don’t promptly brush your teeth.
When using baking soda as toothpaste, you can add water to create a paste or apply baking soda directly to your toothbrush. Two minutes of brushing your teeth is recommended. Spit out any remaining baking soda. After 15 minutes, gargle with water.