14 Reasons Why you have Upper Abdominal Pain

6. Appendicitis
Appendicitisis a condition that affects your appendix. Untreated, it can be deadly. The pain can be anywhere in the abdominal area, but it usually begins just above the bellybutton. As the infection worsens, pain can move around and get more intense. The appendix can swell due to the infection, and eventually rupture.
Appendicitis can be fatal if the contents of the appendix enter the bloodstream. Appendicitis is a serious condition that most doctors do not take lightly. It is the first thing doctors check when a patient complains about abdominal pain. If the infection is caught early, antibiotics can be used to treat it. Surgery may be required to save a patient’s lives if the appendix ruptures or is swollen. Appendixes may be removed if they are frequently infected.