14 Reasons Why you have Upper Abdominal Pain

11. Cramps
Although cramps seem unlikely to cause upper abdominal pain, it is very common. Crampscan happen suddenly and last for a few moments or even a few weeks. When muscles are too tight, they can’t relax.
Many things can cause them, including a pulled or torn muscle, an injury in the area, stress or muscle tension. Most cramps will go away by themselves. Doctors may prescribe muscle relaxers to relieve pain and cramps if the cramps persist for more than several days. Avoiding heavy lifting or twisting and resting the muscles in the abdominal region can relieve cramps and pain.
Massage, ice and pain medication can all help to relieve the pain. Cramps usually do not cause concern, but can be painful. Dehydration may cause cramping to occur more frequently or worsen existing cramps.