6.Hot baths are a natural home remedy for stomach discomfort.
When taking a hot bath in the Jacuzzi, it is advisable to lean up. It is the most effective method for relieving stomach discomfort. It is effective because it relaxes the abdominal muscles associated with its structure.
Before entering the Jacuzzi, fill it with water that is warm but not so hot that you will be burned. You wish to make the spine comfortable. Adding Epsom salt to the water will assist the body in eliminating toxins. Include a few teaspoons of essential oils to aid in relaxation.
Choose oils with stimulating properties, such as peppermint or lavender oil. Sit in the tub for twenty minutes, and while in the shower, be sure to sample the water to prevent dehydration. By tasting it, the solution travels to the stomach and relieves gastric pain more quickly.