- Therapeutic massage with essential fragrances
A lower abdominal massage can help relieve tense pelvic muscles, thereby relieving menstrual cramps. While others may use conventional massage oils such as body lotion to alleviate menstrual discomfort, a 2013 study recommends essential oils over other types of oils. The researchers determined that the group of women using essential oils experienced greater cramp alleviation than the group using carrier oil. Adding a few droplets of essential oil to carrier oil for a relaxing abdominal massage is even more effective.
A 2010 study on 23 women with menstrual cramps caused by endometriosis supported the recommendation of mild massage therapy with essential oils for about 20 minutes. The massage consists of massaging specific abdominal, side, and back points. A decent massage promotes healthy blood circulation, thereby alleviating menstrual cramps. The organism receives additional health benefits from essential oils.