Tea has always been one of the most popular beverages of all time, alongside water. Given that it contains many components and properties that are extremely beneficial to the body, this is not surprising. It has always been regarded as the key to good health, contentment, and wisdom in the East, and the discovery of its beneficial effects on the human body has brought it to the attention of the West.
Among the numerous types of tea available on the market, chamomile is one of the most recommended options. The popularity of chamomile tea is due to its mildly sweet, earthy flavor and absence of caffeine. This tea is prepared by infusing dried chamomile flowers with hot water. Another reason chamomile tea is so popular is that it has provided numerous health benefits since ancient times. Here are fourteen reasons you should begin drinking daily chamomile tea.
1.Immunity Enhancer
Due to the continual emergence of new diseases in our society, it is essential to have a healthy body in order to combat them. What if you could repel them all simply by imbibing tea? It is well-known that chamomile can strengthen the immune system. Numerous studies have demonstrated that chamomile tea contains phenolic compounds that enhance the immune system.
In one study, those who consumed chamomile tea had higher concentrations of glycine and hippurate. These components have antibacterial properties, making chamomile tea highly effective at warding off infections caused by potentially hazardous bacteria and viruses.
A few cups of this tea per day will get you ready to confront the world with a stronger immune system, despite the fact that additional research is required to identify the other components that link this tea to immune system enhancement.