14 Causes of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
5. Sinus Infections
Sinusinfections may cause painful symptoms and a wide range of other problems. It’s common for sinus infections to lead to eustachian tubes dysfunction, since the ears are linked to the sinuses. The eustachian tube becomes clogged when mucus or fluid cannot drain out of the nose and throat. Infection can cause the tubes in the eustachian tubes to become inflamed, swollen and trap fluids and infections inside the ear.
Sinus infections can cause pain between the ear and throat or in the ear. Sinus infection can be treated with antibiotics and other medications. After the infection is cleared, the inflammation will go away. The eustachian tube should then be able function normally again. Many people continue to experience pain in their eustachian tubes after sinus infections have cleared. Ear infections may also persist for several days.