14 Causes of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
3. Smoking
Smokingcan cause damage to the small hairs called cilia. Cilia protect the ears against infections and stop too much mucus building up in the ear canal or near the eardrum. The cilia can’t function properly when damaged and they aren’t able control mucus buildup. The mucus will then move into the eustachian tube where it may become trapped, causing infections and tube malfunction. The problem will worsen if the cilia are not present to clear the mucus.
Smokers may be able to remove the mucous that has built up in their ear by pinching their nose, and pretending to blot it. This can help to force the fluid out by forcing air into the eustachian tube. Antibiotics can be prescribed if there isn’t a problem with the eustachian tube. Smoking cessation may help the cilia recover, reducing the severity of eustachian tubes dysfunction.