10.Sulfates and Sulfides
freestar Sulfate is an essential nutrient, so you will naturally need to obtain some. Keep in mind, however, that it can also nourish microbes and cause H2S toxic gas in patients with ulcerative colitis.
In fact, more than 90% of UC patients will produce more of this gas and less methane (the typical gas produced). Reduce your consumption of foods containing sulfates and sulfides if you find yourself producing this gas (you’ll know because you’ll experience discomfort and extremely pungent gas).
In this case, red meat (for another reason), dairy, beer, wine, apple, grape juice, cruciferous vegetables, eggs, well water, and preserved fruits should be avoided. Obviously, avoiding alcohol is always a good idea, as it can cause inflammation, is bloating (especially in the case of carbonated drinks), and is a diuretic.